
We hope you will visit often for news about upcoming events, post-event press releases, photos and information pertaining to our riding facility.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What a lovely little 'picture'!

Thank you Sharla for sharing this with us!


a horse's whinny...
early morning haze in the meadow...
feed buckets rattling...
pounding hooves...
the sun dancing on the ripples of the creek...
Sissy riding along in the pickup as we feed hay...
a big, dappled Palomino making his way at liberty from his paddock to his stall...
the aroma of coffee and BROWNIES in the office...
the sight of Jimmy, coffee cup in hand, going about his chores...
the laughter of friends...
a barn cat's meow...
a boy's delighted grin as he grooms 'his' mini...
step into a stall, take a deep breath- aahhh, horse manure!...
the lantern style porch lights brightening a dark night...
the feel of Smokey's smooth gray coat...
watching horses & riders winding through trees & over hills on the trails...
a Parelli lesson with Cindy...
the exhilarating feeling of accomplishing a task with your horse & knowing it was done
through love, language, & leadership...


Lori's group lesson...

Here are a few of Lori's 'kids' and helpers...she gives riding lessons to children. We're happy to have the indoor heated arena for them to enjoy this time of year! Do you know of a child interested in learning more about horses? Let Lori help!

Twin Springs has new fun toys!!

Thanks to Sharla and her brother and dad, we have new toys! Yeah! On Christmas day the surprise gift was delivered...a bridge and an awesome teeter-totter! Everyone has enjoyed them, especially the kids! ;) This is a great way to simulate squeeze games, i.e. trailer loading, jumping, etc...to build even more confidence in your horse. Come and join us for the next playday and you too can have some fun with our new bridge and teeter-totter. (Playdays are FREE! And, they are held the 1st Saturday of every month.)

Awesome Liberty!

This is Christi with her equine partner Maverick doing some awesome Liberty playtime! He loves to play! A confirmation of the wonderful relationship you have with your horse Christi! Liberty is a Level 3 savvy, are you ready to audition? ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zatara's 2nd "ride"

Ok, who remembers Zatara when I got him?

Beautiful, 7 yr old gelding, about 16 hands, 3/4 Arab, extremely athletic, but. . . . . he would bite, kick, and run you over!! Aw, the poor guy was an emotional mess!!

My BFF, Cindy Savage gave him to me for my next project horse. She knows I am a glutton for punishment and up for a challenge!! Chief was the first horse I started 100% on the Parelli program and he was a breeze. Zatara is a lot like Arbor, my 22 yr RBE, a handful. I take all the credit for the good and bad; if I only knew then what I know now. . .
More later. . . Thanks for the photo, Pam Rains!