You know how Pat and Linda Parelli talk about their next Super Horse? Well, I now have pegged Spikey MY Super Horse! He has been coming to the gate and looking up at the barn everytime he sees me coming out. Often I am heading out to get another horse for whatever reason; training, doctoring, etc...and he will nicker at me as I go by. The other day he heard me laughing and he whinnied! ;)
So, today I decided it was finally his turn! We have been extra busy getting ready for the Cookout last weekend, my lessons have picked up and catching up on office stuff so he has been left out.
When I got him out today, we had so much fun on the 45' line; into the creek for him to splash himself. We backed all the way to end of the line while in the aisle way of the barn. We did change of direction out in the play ground. The transitions from walk to trot turned into him offering a canter instead! WooHoo! He was so ready to give me everything I asked for and then some! I was so proud of him. And the very best part was I ended up needing to use him for 2 lessons this evening back to back. His ears were up and eyes bright; no attitude. I love Spikey! He makes our world a better place here at the barn!