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Monday, July 19, 2010

What if.....?

I found this on another site called 'Heart and Desire' and loved it, thought I would share it. Cindy

"What if today you went to your horse and greeted him as preparation for putting on his halter?

And what if you put on his halter as preparation for flexing him a bit?

And what if you flexed him as preparation for backing him out of the stall or gate, as preparation for moving his hindquarters, as preparation for moving his forehand, as preparation for sending him around you to the left as the trot, as preparation for moving him up to a canter, as preparation for asking him to halt, as preparation for cantering again, as preparation for bringing him in to you, as preparation for spending a moment together to dwell, as preparation for sending him back out in the other direction at the canter, as preparation for asking him to walk, as preparation for moving the circling game across the arena, as preparation for bringing him to you, as preparation for sending him sideways, as preparation for backing him up, as preparation for sending him over a little log, as preparation for sending him back over the log, as preparation for about five minutes of 'stick to me' at the walk, trot and canter, as preparation for sending him to touch his nose on that little branch over there, as preparation for spending two minutes just standing together, as preparation for sending him to the saddle and bridle, as preparation for saddling him up, as preparation for going out for a ride.

What would that be like for your horse?..."

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