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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Twin Springs Play Day.....

Well, if you weren't here, you missed out! It was so beautiful this past Saturday at our Play Day. Here are some pics for you to enjoy!

We had fun times with the pedestal; the trail ride was awesome! Lark and I did good together; Joy and Diva were so connected, great job Joy! ;) Jimmy and Misty looking good, as usual by the way! Mike and Willie, we have missed you two! Bonnie and Zane moving right out there, nice saddle too! Tammy and Creek, how great a feeling to be "back in the saddle", right Tammy?! Linda Lou and her Chiefie, so cute a couple! Nina and Cashmere, beautiful as always! Liz and Hank, so glad you could come and join us! Sharla and Smokey, what a perfect pair!

Our next Play Day will be the first Saturday in Nov.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun playday with plenty of participants. Good for you!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
