
We hope you will visit often for news about upcoming events, post-event press releases, photos and information pertaining to our riding facility.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Classroom...and Pat and Linda

We had approximately 150 students in our 2-Star class and 1-Star. Here is yours truly with Linda Parelli. Also, Pat is talking with us outside at the picnic tables.

Parelli Center in Ocala Florida....

Here are a couple of pics of the Parelli University in Ocala.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Get Ready.....!

Okay, you all, Get Ready for some Florida pictures! I'll be back in just a few short days and will be bringing the Florida sun with me! ;) I'm fortunate to have missed all your snow and icy yuk! I'll post when our Party will be to catch you up on some awesome Parelli 'stuff'! Yeah!
By the way, looking forward to seeing you all at the Aaron Wilson Clinic next weekend; hope you've already signed up with Linda Roadcap!
Thanks, more later. Yours truly, Cindy