
We hope you will visit often for news about upcoming events, post-event press releases, photos and information pertaining to our riding facility.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Parelli Lessons at Twin Springs...

Here are 2 of our students/friends with their equine partners enjoying the indoor arena. We have Wed morning lessons so Karol with Memphis and Amy with Whiskey took advantage of our time together to learn more about 'Stick to Me' game; and then some Freestyle riding for fun! Thanks, Cindy

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pagosa Springs, Colorado was beautiful....

I wished I had pictures to post for you from the Parelli Performance Summit last weekend, but we do not have any 'picture-taking-savvy'! Besides that, we do not have a nice camera! So, here's something even better, Parelli's Professional Pictures, simply copy/paste the link below and Enjoy!

We sat behind Mr. Walter Zettl and his lovely wife Heidi; we sat beside Pat Parelli's parents. We had a blast! One of my favorite learning experiences was Linda showing some of her demo secrets. And, watching the 'Drill Team' done Naturally, so beautiful!

We plan to schedule our very own Play Day the first of every month....will keep you posted when we get the first one scheduled... ;)

Oh yeah, I filled out my scholarship application to attend the 2*Star course in Florida next January! WooHoo!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Cute is this! ;)

This is our friend Karol's horse, Memphis, a sweet bay Thoroughbred gelding who is boarding here, with his little Palamino buddy, Trigger. They love to snuggle on each other over the fence. Trigger is a miniature horse who we use for the Social Skills class for children with Autism.

Clinic Fun

This is Sharla, Karol, Jimmy and yours truly at a 5*Star Parelli Professional Carol Coppinger Clinic in Prairie Grove. We enjoyed the learning experience! 1*Star Parelli Professional, Cindy Savage