
We hope you will visit often for news about upcoming events, post-event press releases, photos and information pertaining to our riding facility.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Good Times this Holiday with our Group Lesson

We sure enjoyed our indoor, heated arena Wed for our group lesson! We played with the 'Theme of the Friendly Game'. How many different ways can you play the friendly game with your horse? How about challenging yourself to do everything with only phase 1?! ;) [We used the Cloverleaf pattern as one of many ways to practice with phase one on turning and with different gaits.]


  1. OH my, not only an indoor arena but heated, too! Something I dream about!!! Happy New Year to you all....

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  2. HA! I'm on the blog!! :D lol :) Glad I could come while I was home visiting :) I miss you guys!!!!!
