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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zatara's 2nd "ride"

Ok, who remembers Zatara when I got him?

Beautiful, 7 yr old gelding, about 16 hands, 3/4 Arab, extremely athletic, but. . . . . he would bite, kick, and run you over!! Aw, the poor guy was an emotional mess!!

My BFF, Cindy Savage gave him to me for my next project horse. She knows I am a glutton for punishment and up for a challenge!! Chief was the first horse I started 100% on the Parelli program and he was a breeze. Zatara is a lot like Arbor, my 22 yr RBE, a handful. I take all the credit for the good and bad; if I only knew then what I know now. . .
More later. . . Thanks for the photo, Pam Rains!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I'm sooo proud of YOU Linda Lou! You two look great together! It's a true testament to your savvy using Love, Language and Leadership in equal doses. Keep it going Natural, it looks good on you! Cindy
